Thursday, SanFranMusicTech Summit, Hotel Kabuki. Premier meeting of the minds. The new music industry is rooting in San Francisco + Silicon Valley
-Beni B. from ABB Records - a legend to the beatdiggers and hip hop community in the Bay Area and beyond.
-Ty Roberts, Gracenote - among other things, he mentioned album artwork + liner notes will soon become available with downloads.
-Paul Lemere, Sun Labs - Search Inside the Music presentation
"The goal of the 'Search Inside the Music' project is to explore new methods of categorizing, indexing and organizing large collections of music to allow more effective ways of searching through these collections. This project extends music search to search 'inside the music', that is, to search not just titles, keywords and artists, but to search music by music content and context. We want to help people find and organize their music based on all of of the properties of the music including such properties as acoustic similarity, mood, lyrics, musical theme, melody, tempo, rhythm, and instrumentation."
-Vince Milburn, Jr. - Miles Davis' nephew & 1 of 3 entrusted with Davis' estate. Stays true to the legacy and prestige behind his uncle.
14 years ago
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